We provide services based on the SC Department of Mental Health’s mission statement which gives priority of treatment to adults with severe and persistent mental illness, children and adolescents with serious emotional disturbance, and persons experiencing psychiatric emergencies.
You will be given an assessment by a Mental Health Professional to determine if our services are appropriate for you. More than one contact may be needed to determine if you meet our eligibility criteria and we may require a urine drug screen to assist in the assessment process. If we determine you would be best served by another organization, you will be referred there.
Sumter Adult Services:
Sumter Children Services:
(803) 775-7898
Community Support/Elder Services:
(803) 934-4371
Kershaw Clinic:
(803) 432-5323
Clarendon Clinic:
(803) 435-2124
Lee Clinic:
(803) 484-9414
Roads of Independence:
(803) 934-4395
Roads of Independence
RPS Services:
(803) 775-6293