Our Vision
"To become the premier provider of behavioral health services in Santee-Wateree counties. We will do this by providing culturally competent, holistic, wellness focused and evidenced-based services to promote resiliency and recovery for children, adults and families with mental health challenges."
Our Mission
The Santee-Wateree Mental Health Center (SWMHC) exists to support the recovery of people with mental illness in Sumter, Lee, Clarendon and Kershaw counties. Each clinic offers a full and flexible array of outpatient services, including individual, group, and family therapy, psychiatric services, emergency services, and case management.
All of the clinics provide services for children, families and adults. Unique programs are also available to serve specific populations within the local community. Sumter has the Elder Services program, which provides individualized treatment to persons 65 and older suffering from mental illness, as well as to persons of all ages diagnosed with dementia. Assertive Community Treatment (ACT) is also provided in Sumter for those diagnosed with serious and persistent mental illness. A multidisciplinary team works together to treat clients whenever and wherever needed, reducing the episodes of hospitalization and increasing clients’ quality of life serves on a Coalition that recently received an Access Health Grant. With the Kershaw Clinic as their base, five school-based counselors provide mental health services in Kershaw schools, funded in part through a Safe Schools/ Healthy Students grant. The Kershaw Clinic has a satellite of the Federally Qualified Primary Health Care Provider in Kershaw County, Sandhills Medical Foundation, co-located and operating two days a week out of the Kershaw clinic building. SWMHC’s clinics also work with local community partners, an advisory board, and other mental health professionals throughout the state to fulfill the Center’s mission: to help clients recover from mental illness and lead fulfilling lives.